Saturday, July 18, 2009

Flag's Camp is Over

This past week I was at my flag's camp. I missed the first day, but I caught up the second. I am so tired and sore, but I thought it was fun to learn the new competition routine. We performed it the last day for the dancers and parents. I messed up so much. I wasn't too worried about messing up because nobody knew the routine very well. I had fun, and I'm kind of glad it's over. =D

Yellowstone... is coming

Our Yellowstone trip was fantastic! We all had so much fun! I have tons of pictures (kind of like Amber lol) but our computer has been really slow lately, so they will have to wait. But, our trip was really fun! We started out by going to South Dakota. We saw Mt. Rushmore, Badlands (where I sadly got sick for a day :( ) And Bear Country USA, Custer, and Reptile Gardens. We didn't really see too much wildlife except in Custer we saw Buffalo and in Badlands we saw prairie dogs. Then we saw a couple deer. We then traveled 10 hours all the way to Yellowstone. We stayed in a cabin called the Mangy Moose. It was a bit big for the occasion so we invited people to come along. Amber and Ryan came the whole time and the our Aunts, Donna and Carolyn. Nathan and Heather Hobbs came up for a night also. We did lots of stuff in Yellowstone. We went fishing, saw elk, wolves, foxes, and the occasional buffalo. We got stuck in a big buffalo crossing, and Ryan even touched one! It was funny! We saw the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, and tons of the pots. Sadly, we never saw a single bear :(. But oh well :). We saw Old Faithful too. It was all really fun!
After Yellowstone, we went to Twin Falls for Dad's work, and then on to Fruitland, ID, where we use to live. We got to visit the Weddell's in Fruitland. We headed to Preston, ID. That's where most our family lives. We visited: Grandpa West and Susan, Grandma Hobbs, and our cousin Cheryl's family. We then headed to Draper, UT.
We went to a family reunion, went boating, and hung around with our cousins. This was our last stop, and yea, we got to take a 24 hour drive back home. On the way home, we got to stop at Winter Quarters for an hour or so and go through the cemetery.
All in all, this trip was very memorable. Pictures will come eventually, but not now, :(.